I remember like it was yesterday, I was 41 weeks and was at my doctors appointment, and we asked about induction dates available. When the doctor came back into the room she said that they could take me then next day! We were super surprised and super excited! I was ready to get that baby OUT! My induction date was April 2nd and that was Good Friday. Induction was started at 9am on Friday morning and the majority of that day was pretty boring... Jesse worked on typing his dissertation my Mother in law was there my mom was on her way from Indiana. She made it to Illinois by 1pm. Around 1:30pm they broke my water. My contractions were coming regularly and lasting long enough to progress my labor so I was not given Pitocin. I got my epidural shortly after having my water broke. More boring time pasted. We think because of my fibro the epidural didn't last very long i had several boosters for it and at 9pm they gave me my last booster so I was really hoping he would come soon. I sent everyone except for Jesse out of the room because I was getting very tired. That was around 9 or 9:30pm at 10pm they told me i was ready to push. 25 minutes later our baby boy was here! I didnt get to hold him right away because he had a bowel movement inside so they had to make sure he was ok... but after a few minutes I heard him cry and everything was great! They cleaned him up let us spend a few minutes then the Grandmas came in to meet their new grandson. We hadnt expected him to come so soon after sending them away we thought we'd beable to trick them and surprise them... but my mother-in-law has a 6th sense and came checking before he was completely delivered... they wouldn't let her in the room so she knew something was up! then a few minutes later she heard him cry so the gig was up. That was a LONG night. and 2 days later on Easter Sunday we got to come home! Happy Easter to us!