I'm a little behind because we've been sick. Jacob turned 3 months old on the 10th! Where does the time go?!?!
Here's and update on us:
Jacob now smiles AND giggles!! It's the best. He loves to watch his brother play. He's been putting himself to sleep at night. He's still breast fed!! This was one of my goals. The first goal was to bf for at least a month, then 3 months, now lets see if we can make it to 6 months. I may or may not go a full year but I'd like to go until the end of winter.
Sammy can put himself down for a nap and bedtime all by himself. He's such a big boy. He loves Jake and tries to give him toys to play with. I can't wait until Jake is big enough to play with Sammy. It'll be so great. His favorite show is Dinosaur Train. I actually really like it myself, I've learned a lot. You can def tell he's 2! His communication and sentence formation is growing everyday! He's awesome!
I've been teaching activity classes at UND. I've started my research for my thesis. I'm back to pre-baby weight and my wedding ring fits again!!! I also got a new car!
Jesse's been working hard! We appreciate all he does for us! Because of him I get to spend time with my babies!
We are gearing up for the holiday seasons. Thanksgiving is coming up next week, and we are having a tur-duck-en again this year!! And that means Christmas and a trip back down south is right around the corner. So much to do!!