Our Halloween left much to be desired. I bought Sammy the BEST Sammy costume ever. A dinosaur (of course). We took great pictures at the local pumpkin patch but when it came time to put on the costume to go trick or treating..... Sammy lost his mind! Screamed and cried, would not put on the costume. We did not go trick or treating. It was a HUGE bummer!
On a brighter note...
Another great thanksgiving this year! Jesse wanted it to be part thanksgiving celebration and a festivis celebration. We had a mighty feast. Our second year making a tur-duck-en. We also had sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, and home made pumpkin and pecan pies. YUM! Then came the airing of grievances. That was mostly just Jesse venting. Haha. Then came the feats of strength. We played Monopoly. We invite grad students who are from out of town and can't go home for break (a lot like us) to celebrate with us. This year Gabe (from Alaska) and Adam (from California) came over. Gabe won the Monopoly game. Sammy behaved himself and Jake made lots of cute faces.