I just recently watched a show called My Boys. And let me tell you, it hit a very special place in my heart. SO this Blog is dedicated to My Boys, all of them!

The Definition of my boys have changed over the years. Very early on my boys were my dad and my brother. Although they may have thought I was theirs....that is not true...they were MINE. I take much responsibility in MOLDING them into the man and older man that they are today! They are quite special in my book and if you disagree....well then you're wrong. I can tell they worry about me, and they the feel it is their job (it is) I can always see the pleasantly surprised look on my face when they realize I can take care of myself. And I never hear hurtful things when I do. They made me strong enough to handle my next group of Boys.....

Late in my high school career I was, you might say obsessed, with football. The guys, especially the freshman and sophomores, on the team were my boys. They were so much fun. It was through them I started to understand the MALE jokes and what boys find funny, and why...Farts and boobies sounds simple...but its deeper than that. Kinda. The lessons they taught me will be with me forever. Thanks...

Shreve Hall 6th floor... My Boys...this one's for you. Whenever I think of my time back on the 6th floor I have only good memories! I can never thank Kevin Knipp enough for introducing me to them all. I admit that my nerdiness helped me blend in a lot with this particular group but they accepted me even when i had my girlly moments. They were there when a long term boyfriend broke up with me. they were there when I was sad I was away from home. But truthfully I was rarely sad when I was with them. DOA3, Halo, Pizza, Star Wars, LOTR.... all have a special memory attached to all of you. This chick had NO FEAR when you all were there. I have been keeping up with many of you over fcebook....and I am proud of where all of you are now in life.
Now, My Boys are My husband and my Son....not to mention my 2 male cats...They are my life. All of my Boys have taught me so much....I still learn new things every day thanks to my boys now. They are so special and individual but are similar in many ways to the other boys I've known. Playing in the dirt, and with legos are amazing and i never knew how interresting those activities could be until I met jesse and sammy. I never know LOVE from boys until I met these two very special boys.
Boys are great! but MY BOYS are awesome!
UPDATE: it's been several years since I wrote this blog but I am happy to add that my group boys has grown by 2. Jacob and James are now my boys, too. My heart is so full.