Thursday, July 28, 2011

Confusing times

Jesse and I have been through a lot this year. Our baby boy turned a year old and we decided to expand our family. Sounds like happy things right? Well it should be. Getting pregnant a second time has been harder than expected. Ergot pregnant on the first try with Samual. No serious complications and the result was a beautiful baby boy. Back in march of this year we found out we were pregnant again and thrilled! I announced it on facebook and started planning. A week later, I lost the baby....all of the sudden....just like that. And if that wasn't hard enough, I felt responsible to call close friends and tell them that we were not expecting anymore. That was the worst. That is why when we got pregnant again the following month we didn't tell anyone. Well I did tell a few people but not near as many. And it's a good thing too because a week later I lost that baby too. The thoughts were how could this be happening to me? What did we do wrong? We stopped trying for a few months to let my body and our emotions heal and this past month decided it was time and got pregnant again. I am apparently very fertile....well the most dreaded outcome occurred....we just had our third miscarriage. I've never felt this low. It like there is nothing to look forward to. I have a doctors appointment to figure out what is wrong, but I just want things to be normal.
I think the saddest part is that whenever we find out about a pregnancy no is excited, everyone is afraid. I think it is sad because when I think back at how happy and excited we were with Sam I will never be able to say that about the next pregnancy because I'm sure everyone will be worried.
Hoping to hear some good news at my doctors appointment.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The love of my life

I love telling the story of how I met my hubby. So I'll take you all the way back to 2005....

In January of 2005 I was starting my second semester at Indiana State University and of the classes I was taking was PE 101. my instructor for this course was, none other than, Jesse Rhoades himself. Iwas single at the time, he was not. He was engaged...but of course that ended. Right after that semester ended I started dating some and he stopped...not that I knew much about him all this I learned later.

While I was in his class and after he would talk about me to his advisor and his friends. I switched majors the next semester and my advisor was his advisor as well. It seemed that every time I had a meeting with him Jesse would show up to tell him something. But I still had no clue. All this I learned later. In the fall of 2006 I was no longer dating anyone and starting my last year at ISU. Jesse was in his last semester of grad school. Now or never I guess... He swooped in and asked me out... Not on a date...just to hang out...after that we hit it off and were officially dating. That was when I learned how deep he was and how long he had noticed me.

I never imagined that someone like him would notice me. But notice he did! In June of 2007 he proposed and in May of 2008 we got married. It was a beautiful ceremony. With a Greek/roman theme, it was beautiful. In April of 2010 I gave birth to our wonderful son. He is the prefect blend of Jesse and myself. He is almost 16 months old going on 30. We have our hands full!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Background

Hello all! I guess I will start off by telling a little bit about myself. My name is Becky Rhoades, formally Hall, and I am 26 years young or old depending on the day. I have been married for 3+ years to my wonderful husband, Jesse. He truly is 'the bread to my butter, and the breath to my life." He is a worrier, but so am I. We seem, though, to never be worried about the same things. Which is good because we can support each other. I also have a beautiful baby boy (he's not really a baby anymore he is almost 16 months old) named Samual. He is just the cutest and has the greatest laugh EVER! I never realized how much I could love until he came along. My boys are the glue that holds me together on the really rough days. They mean more to me than I could ever express with words.

Back to me! I have a B.S. in exercise physiology and will be starting graduate school this August. I will be attending the University of North Dakota, where my husband is a professor. We moved to ND a year ago, on July 4, 2010, from Illinois. I am originally from a very small town in Indiana called French Lick. (yes, that is where Larry Bird is from.)

north Dakota is a great new adventure for us, but it is truly far from home. I have started this blog in hopes of connecting in a new way to friends and family and even with myself...
