Now that I have entered the Third Trimester I have been
nesting and trying to get as organized as possible. We are not going to be
having a baby shower for this baby so I’ve been going list crazy to keep
everything we’ll need so I can see it. I used the Target list section to make a
visual list and I mark them off as we get them or as they are bought for us.
And since we are responsible for getting the majority of what we need I’ve been
bargain hunting! The people who work at Once Upon A Child are going to call the
cops on me for as much as I’ve been stalking that place.
I have been doing lots of crafts to keep me occupied and
organized. A long time ago my mother taught me how to crochet, but I had since forgotten.
So I had to relearn. The first thing I made was a blanket. I thought it would
be gender neutral but it turned out VERY girly, and since we are having another
boy it’s not going to work out so much. But since it is my first blanket ever, I’ve
decided to keep it.
I also decided to crochet Baby Jake’s crib bumper. So we didn’t
have to buy a full bedding set I just bought a blanket and bed skirt to match
the bumper I made. Since most of the things that Jacob will have will be “hand
me downs” I figured this was something I could do just for him. Something special.
I adore the way it turned out.
To use up the last of my yarn I crocheted a diaper organizer.
It’s to hold the diapers and the wipe case together in the diaper bag! I also
revamped and old diaper bag. I bought 2 diaper bags before Sammy was born. I ended
up using the smaller of the 2, but since I’ll have 2 little ones I’m moving to
the bigger bag. TO be honest, though, the bigger diaper bag was kind of ugly
and boring. So I took an afternoon and made it cuter for a “hip” mom on the go.

In an attempt to get my HOUSE organized I went on a blog
hunt. I found some awesome ideas these two I am starting to implement at our
house. The first one is a weekly chore board. I found it on a blog site called
The Mommy Dialogues. Xza Louise (or as I know her on instagram @atomicbaby)
wrote about a DIY dry erase chore board. I took her idea and adapted it to our
house. Then I combined her idea with another Idea I read about and did a Dry
erase Menu board. You can see @joyfulabode (or Emily’s) menu board here. But
this is what I’ve done!

In other organizational news my brother said that when we
are down to visit I can satisfy my nesting urges by organizing his DVDs and
Blurays on his new book shelf! WOOHOO!!!
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